From Left to Right – Top to Bottom:
Councillor Kurt Johnson, Councillor Dean Janzen, Councillor Amanda Reynolds Magnus, Councillor Mike Hill, Chief Administrative Officer Lovely Jane Magnaye, Town Solicitor Jessica McKee-Howes, Mayor Roy Skoglund, Councillor Brendan Samida and Councillor Robin Shellito.
Council’s Roles and Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Fulfill the purpose of the municipality.
- Make decisions for the municipality about services, policies and programs.
- Make decisions through resolutions and bylaws at properly conducted meetings that are open to the public.
- Be accountable to the public for the decisions made.
- Ensure administrative practices and procedures are in place that enable municipal employees to carry out their duties.
- Ensure the municipality acts within the law.
If you would like more information, or to leave a message for any of the elected official please contact the town office at 306-873-2681 or via email [email protected]