The Town of Tisdale offers a number of services to residents including the provision of water and sewer services. Municipal water is provided through a modern reverse osmosis system.

If you move to a new location or build a new home in Tisdale; please contact the Town Office for more information about connecting to Town services.

The Town of Tisdale offers E billing if you would like your utility bill emailed to you please email [email protected] 

Water Meter Deposits:
Held on Account and Applied to Final Bill
$100.00 – for homeowners
$150.00 – for renters

Water Rates:
$62.00 – Bi-Monthly Flat Rate
$9.75 for every additional 1000 imperial gallons

Sewer Rates:
$40.00 – Bi-Monthly Flat Rate
$4.50 for every additional 1000 imperial gallons

Waste Utility Fee:
Garbage Rate – $18.00/ Bi-Monthly
Recycling Rate – $10.00/ Bi-Monthly

Bi-Monthly BILLING DATES: February 15, April 15, June 15, August 15, October 15, December 15