Water Meter Deposits:
Held on Account and Applied to Final Bill
$100.00 – for homeowners
$150.00 – for renters
Water Rates:
$62.00 – Bi-Monthly base minimum rate
$9.75 for every additional 1,000 imperial gallons
Sewer Rates:
$40.00 Bi-Monthly base minimum rate
$4.50 for every additional 1,000 imperial gallons
Waste Utility Fee: is also applicable according to Bylaw 21/08
Garbage Rate – $18.00/ Bi-Monthly
Recycling Rate – $10.00/ Bi-Monthly
Bi- Monthly BILLING DATES: February 15, April 15, June 15, August 15, October 15, December 15
Assessment Appeal Fee:
Residential – $50.00
Commercial – Industrial – Agricultural:
Assessment under $500,000 – $150.00
Assessment between $500,000 and $1,000,000 – $500.00
Assessment Over $1,000,000 – $600.00
Dog License:
Male or Female (Un-altered) – $30.00
Neutered Male or Spayed Female – $15.00
Service Dog – No charge (owner must provide proof of Certificate)
*Owner to provide a certificate from a Certified Veterinarian stating the dog has been neutered/spayed
*Replacement Tags – $5.00
Building Permit:
Buildings cost of $5,000.00 or less – $50.00
Buildings over $5,000.00 – $50.00 for first $5,000.00 and $5.00 per $1,000.00 thereafter
Development Permit – $25.00